Misconceptions around virginity, birth control, and sex never seem to fade away. The subjects specifically picked up traction in the sixties with the rise...
#MeToo but saying ‘MeToo’ isn’t enough
5 min read
Alas…All of us have had our own #metoo moments. You just shut your abuser down? Well done, Me too. A piece of flesh to...
Manual Scavenging and More
3 min read
I am all ears for mouthful words like development, evolution, and digital India but practices like Manual Scavenging are a shame to us as...
India-China Relationship
4 min read
I grew up with hindi chini bhai bhai (India and China are brothers), a phrase coined by our very first prime minister Pt. Jawaharlal...
Do Men Buy Sanitary Pads?
4 min read
Do men buy sanitary pads or tampons for women in need? <If you are a man, answer below.> Generally, men slut-shame, mansplain, and still...
Is It Okay to Judge Others?
4 min read
It’s okay to judge others? Judgments are a tricky way to maneuver life. We hear people sharing gen about how it’s sacrilegious to judge...
What is the ideal community?
4 min read
Do you ever find someone ugly? Do you label and judge people for their color, body, and a little meat? Yes, we all do...