Imagine you are at a restaurant having a nice dinner out with a couple. The boyfriend orders a sirloin steak and a Caesar salad....
Gender & Sexuality
When I was in middle school, I had two boy-best-friends. We were all dorky and weird and uncoordinated and un-cool, so we made our...
Busting Myths about Sex and Virginity
7 min read
Misconceptions around virginity, birth control, and sex never seem to fade away. The subjects specifically picked up traction in the sixties with the rise...
Why people hate feminism and the feminists?
3 min read
How many times do we come across people shying away from the feminist label? A million times. In response to why people hate feminism...
Busting Gender Stereotypes on International Men’s Day Even though International Men’s Day & World Toilet Day falls on the same day, it’s not every...
Men vs. #NotAllMen
4 min read
Men vs. #Notallmen Writing about social issues for over seven years has offered femonomic an insight into the most common reactions by triggered men....
I was recently having a chat with a buddy of mine. He had just gone through a breakup, and I had invited him over...
Lately, I’ve had plenty of time to scroll down and up on social media. And, it has given me more insights on Verbal and...
Do Men Buy Sanitary Pads?
4 min read
Do men buy sanitary pads or tampons for women in need? <If you are a man, answer below.> Generally, men slut-shame, mansplain, and still...
So, what is feminism? Put simply; Feminism is about all genders having equal rights and opportunities. It is about respecting the experiences, cultures, knowledge,...