The Mastery of Love, Don Miguel Ruiz writes about a pizza kitchen as a metaphor for self-love. He tells the story of a person making,...
Lovey Chaudhary
A communications major, academic researcher, author, sunset photographer, and hardcore marketing professional with experience of over 6+ years in the industry, Lovey is always looking up witty ways to address taboo subjects in a simple yet hard-hitting manner.
Do you constantly feel the need to be in a random and new relationship? Do you think you are head over heels in love...
FYI, I wasn’t done yesterday. I couldn’t say everything as it would have been very text heavy. Lets’s start afresh today without wasting any...
This is how it starts: “I loved this book, and I know you’re going to love this book.” Had been said to me. I...
To me, Education was a learning process in my childhood. My leisure pursuit was reading and learning about new things. I was permanently an...
Take it seriously when they say they are getting bullied before it gets worse, especially when they are Children. Because the effects of bullying are severe. It...
The world is watching how the largest democracy in the world deals with criticism. Though, I may be wrong but I don’t think you...
Uri attack was an attack by four heavily armed terrorists on 18 September 2016, near the town of Uri in the Indian-administered state of Jammu and Kashmir. It was...
I don’t think I did enough justice to the subject in my last post. I realized, previous post was not substantial in its truest...
India happily joined the Paris Climate Change Agreement by submitting its instrument of ratification at UN headquarters in New York on Sunday indicating ‘strong...
Is marriage everything in life for a woman, I asked some friends? Female friend -“It is definitely not everything. But, yes, in India, it...
I’ve been vegetarian for just about a year now (the actual date is fuzzy, since I phased out fish over time), and I can...
I had always classified myself as a hardcore non-vegetarian. Whenever somebody inquired, I always answered “Hardcore non-vegetarian” with a glee on my face, as...
Ashwin: Controlling the source directly has an enormous advantage for satiating real-time power needs that exist day or night rain or shine. It can...
Me: Whether that’s true or not depends on all the materials, manpower, and machines. Ashwin: The entire process of harnessing the sun’s power. (Completing my sentence)...
Shrinidhi: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Ashwin: And, who said that? Me:...
So, there have been debates around for greater internal use of three rivers- Indus, Chenab and Jhelum that were allocated to Pakistan by the...
But; all this talk of isolating or quarantining Pakistan overlooks a crucial factor, which is a super power China. China is solidly behind Pakistan,...
I obviously watched our esteemed EAM Sushma Swaraj’s speech at UN. I had no doubt that Sushma Swaraj, our illustrious and matchless Foreign Minister,...
When we talk about the needs of women, we have to consider the other identities we inhabit. We are not just women. We are...
People tend to post happy things on Social Media, or they try to put humorous spins on the bad things. I do that. Do...
One friend said “why is everyone so rich and beautiful and fashionable and successful and we are here just struggling!!” Another person recently shared...