Who picked this Life?
India is going through a crucial phase of transition, from being a predominantly rural country to one where a majority of people now aspire to live in cities. However, the number of people residing in urban India is on the rise, equally alarming is the rise in the number of the urban poor. Increasing urbanization has led to a rise in the disease burden in children as well as crime against them. Similarly, urbanization has led to many other problems in children including health issues like under nutrition, stunting and even high infant mortality rate.
The adverse effects of malnutrition are therefore not limited to children but can have serious implications throughout the life cycle, eventually resulting in adversely affecting the health, education, productivity as well as the economy of the state.
But, this post is merely about our future generation and its well-being. I am writing this with a very heavy heart. We have been reading unabridged news items about crimes against Children. No, it’s just not limited to sexual abuse.
Crimes against children constitute Rape, Murder (excluding infanticide), Infanticide, Foeticide, Sexual Harassment, Assault or use of criminal force to women (girl child) with intent to disrobe, Voyeurism, Kidnapping & abduction, Exposure & abandonment, Procuration of minor girls, Buying/selling of girls for prostitution, child pornography, sex trafficking, Abetment to suicide, Unnatural Offences, cyber bullying and so much more. How does it feel now?
When was the last time you gave it a thought?