You never really know what you’re going to like until you know it, and that’s why most people adore this one and only bundle...
Maianh Phuong Tran
Hello there, my name is Maianh. I am currently pursuing Diploma degree in Business Administration – Marketing. As being major in Marketing, I love to seek creativity from every topic in society and go in-depth with my favorite ones, such as business, fashion, environment, and gender, and race equality. Moreover, I enjoy reading news and magazines since I was young, and this activity has been with me until now. Reading helps me develop my own perspective and be confident to speak out my opinions. My further career path is to be creative and full of uniqueness in creating content.
In a world where knowledge is limitless and constantly evolving, we seek out new technological interventions and chase money. But somehow, as a society,...
In my experience, being born with such a quirky mind and well-being sometimes made me incredibly lonely since no one understood me. Looking back...
In spite of the current need for the Covid-19 vaccine rollout to prevent the spread of this deadly pandemic, vaccines are generally essential for...
Thanks to Sylvia Browne’s 2008 predictions including the foresee of Covid-19 and other major events that may happen in our future, humans should likely...
Virus Covid-19 is still roaming our planet and has left behind a wide amount of disposable items like masks, medical equipment, cups, and containers...
September 30 marked the first annual National Day of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. Last year, children were missing from Canada’s residential school system...
I am now a fresh graduate finally after three years pursuing college. It has been quite the journey and accomplishment in my life. It...
Being a college student means I have more assignments and workloads, which takes more time. Thus, I would likely spend less time sleeping and...
Even though it is not yet Valentine’s Day, my mind was suddenly investigating the heart shape. It’s symbolic, iconic, adorable, and connective. My next...

An ideal get-rich-quick pyramid scheme is a trap, with a pressure of recruiting your own people, the so-called “legs” and achieving target sales points....
I have discussed and pointed out plastics, hazardous chemicals, and waste generated by major industries in my previous topics. Yet, they are large enough...
Sunisa “Suni” Lee, the world’s gymnastic new sensation, marked her gold medals in both individual and team performance at the Tokyo Olympics 2020. Her...
When it comes to shopping sprees, they are always fun. We get fascinated by everything new in the mall all the time without realizing...
Have you ever felt that you’d never take any responsibility for things you’ve done? Perhaps you simply want to be a kid forever and...
Are you a self-help book fanatic? As a general rule, self-help books can help you gain new insights, perspectives, and solutions to any problem,...
How do you envision your future? Will your dreams come true? Are you going to get a better-paying job? How soon will you meet...
It is not just the fashion industry, disposable plastics, climate change, cosmetics industry that focus on the environment and sustainability topics. It includes all...
Back in the day, the concept of entrepreneurship in my mind was all about brainiac people who are highly intelligent and talented in having...
It’s pretty, shimmery, and a symbol of expression and freedom for makeup. Yet, on the other hand, mining and extracting Mica is risky and...
A bunch of Studio Ghibli’s films has always been my favorites to watch, time and again. A range of this studio’s film has created...
A happy Pride Month to you! It is a wonderful feeling to see other articles and organizations marking the occasion by coloring their logos...