Don’t worry, I checked my privilege.
Being the “Raja beta” of any government official comes with much privileges and immunities. I think those very privileges can get you out of a gas chamber and those very those immunities can make you abuse the privileges.
The guy of the hour, Rohit Tomar, who was seen in a video that thankfully went viral, is the son of a Delhi Police officer, Ashok Singh Tomar. Rohit seemed more joyful than the man biting cobra in Rajasthan, to brutally beat up the girl in the video while one of his pure and pious friends pompously recorded the incident. The woman in question is the 21-year-old woman and had recently started working at the BPO.
Being the son of a policeman must have taught him the art of throwing himself at the ground and miss. Because, fuck gravity.
The woman was beaten up for a very simple reason. She wanted to file a complaint against the glorious man who couldn’t keep it in his pants. Rape. That’s good enough for a reason to thrash her black and blue and fly like a feather after the incident.
The cool guy apparently had sent the “exemplary” video to intimidate and threaten his girlfriend that she will meet the same consequences if she did not obey him. Are you feeling the same way I feel? What do we call the amalgamation of shock, disgust and anger?
Thankfully, Rohit along with his friends have been arrested after the girlfriend herself reported this horrifying case to the police.
Becoming aware of your privilege should not be viewed as a burden or source of guilt, rather an opportunity to learn and be responsible so that we work towards a more just and inclusive world.