With every new generation of technology comes a new generation of society as the use of advanced technology increases with each generation. The progressively...
Jayla Danay
As a mixed-race female in the world of STEM, Jayla explores the current state of gender and race equality in STEM industries and society as a whole. Her top priority when addressing these concerns is research. In such a polarized world, it's important to stay informed, and Jayla aims to do just that and share her takes on the issues plaguing this world.
Publicly acknowledging mental health is poorly received by society as there is a stigma surrounding the discussion of mental health. This stigma primarily arises...
Education is the key to the progression of society. With the available technology, people can easily access an infinite amount of information and share...
The emphasis on diversity is becoming stronger as society is becoming more diverse itself. Whether it is in the workplace, a movie, a video...
As technology advances, new realms of research are discovered, and boundaries are pushed beyond imagination. Technological developments in the field of reproduction have allowed...
Racism is not a new form of discrimination, and it seems to not go away even after decades of activism. What is worse is that...
Mental health is an important issue that has often gone under-acknowledged in the public eye. Fortunately, as more research is being done to help...
Two historically marginalized groups, the black community, and the LGBT community, also have some historic tension between each other. The black community originated hip-hop...
As pride month comes around each year, all sexualities, old and new, receive the recognition that helps society learn about and acknowledge these groups....
Sex education is a crucial part of the learning experience of everyone, but because of the contentious nature of talking about sex, even in...
The rapid and unprecedented changes in learning environments during the pandemic have raised concerns about the effectiveness of the education students have been receiving....
Beauty is a complex social concept that exists in various ways across every culture. Over time, beauty trends and expectations have changed along with...
Humanity is on a constant journey to advance technology. With advanced technology, people can redefine society, progressing into a Type I civilization, which is...
As the United States is becoming more diverse on various levels such as socioeconomic status, gender, sexuality, or race, the changes in the apparent...
With advancements in technology, education has naturally evolved to incorporate new technologies and advanced tools in the classroom. Especially within the past year, with...
One of the most common instances of modern gender disparity is the lack of women in positions of power and control. While the conditions...
As a new wave of activism aims to directly face racism and break down social constructs built upon racism, some teachers try to specifically...
As time continues to pass, humanity sees more clearly its harmful effects on the environment. The wave of environmentalism is growing large enough to...
While positive body image and acceptance are becoming more spread through society and social media, there is still a toxic culture promoted by celebrities,...
Schools should be places where children feel safe and are able to engage in learning fully. However, especially more recently, there is an increasing...
Mental health is a fairly new concept as psychology has only relatively recently become an accepted field of science. Because of this, society is...
Nowadays, social media is thoroughly integrated into the lives of nearly everyone, regardless of age, gender, and location. Social media has a powerful role...