Do you know what is an ideal society? Do you think we live in one? Should we live in an ideal community? Yes. We do in our dreams. But have you ever found someone ugly? Have you ever judged people based on their color, body type, and how much meat they have? Yes OR No?
No matter if you have or have not, it is okay. Most people are remorseful for their past sins because we were not born wise. As life goes on, we learn more and more. I was made fun of by some obnoxious and disgusting people in my former years. I was constantly made fun of and ridiculed during the teenage years for my acne, weight, and looks, which led me to believe it is “acceptable” to judge and mock people. I was bullied, but never fully embraced Gandhian Philosophy.
Adolescent hormones are too vain to resist mockery and blatant burlesques. Teenage exemplifies a crucial period in the development of a positive or negative body image. Many inducements exist during the teenage years, including transitions that have an emotional impact on one’s body shape, weight status, and appearance. We all go through the phases of being judged and judging others based on outlandish standards. People offer unsolicited advice to clear up zits or cover them up, to lose weight to appear as Victoria’s Secret models. And, your mind says, “what the hell is that?”
What is the ideal community?
I finally grew up sane and now loathe the idea of judging people based on color, race, religion, sexuality, or gender. I only judge people on whether or not they are assholes. It is the same hate that has caused wars throughout the world from Religion to skin color and gender. It is the same fight that has led people to engage in sit-ins and walk-outs.
People shouldn’t be judged by the color or texture of their skin. That is really offensive to me. Growing up, we learn to judge people based on things that don’t even matter. Acne and other bodily issues aren’t inherently bad, but why are we ignoring such important issues in our culture?
What is an Ideal Society?
We all have been judged for our color, acne, weight, height, and medical conditions at some point. I won’t say that only women suffer from this; I believe we are all included, Children, Adults, Animals, and whoever else.
Don’t you say that dog is chubby and wobbly so he is cute, however, a malnourished and sick dog loses the right to be cute?
Kids nowadays are “told”, “taught”, and “forced-fed” that it is “wrong to treat people differently for the color of their skin or any other standard.” It is beautiful, but the preachers do not practice it in real life in front of the same children. And this is where we are lacking examples. Did you know some cultures get angry at folks with bad skin because they equate breakouts with sin? The racial and juvenile polarization keeps changing our microclimate and it’s disheartening. I think the progress we have made as a whole toward justice and equality to be mildly superficial.
Unfortunately, there are still people in the 21st century who believe they can categorize an entire group of human beings based on their designated race. People fail to comprehend that we are all of the same kind and that arbitrary aspects (gender, religion, and sexuality) serve no purpose and are not anyone’s business.
How can you help make an ideal community?
I don’t remember God giving me a multiple-choice questionnaire to choose my religion, race, or gender before he splashed me onto the face of the earth. I don’t agree with propagandists’ invasive theories, judgments, and hatred. I fight by doing good deeds and by not judging people based on inferior aspects. It is of utmost importance that we avoid judging people on something as arbitrary as color, acne, the texture of the skin, sexuality, religion, and gender. Rather judge them on their deeds, benevolence, and compassion because that is something they are in control of.
No matter what your race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, etc is, everyone must be treated equally, as long as they treat others with respect. And, that will be our ideal society.
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