After decades of mind-bending conspiracies and stories that were thought to be strictly imaginary, The United States Intelligence agencies have confirmed the legitimacy of UFOs. I think we need to take a step back and realize this is a bigger deal than we may realize.
Is the information legitimate?
There’s no telling what else the government is hiding from us, but one thing for sure: an Aerial Phenomena Task Force was established to investigate the origins of UFOs. The secret task force was formed in 2007 and their findings consisted of debunking several videos taken by Navy Pilots — one from 2004 and two from 2015 — that showed these unidentified objects flying at high speed. These videos happened to be leaked earlier in the year, but officials from the Pentagon cleared the air.
Obama Speaks
Similar to conspiracy theorists, Obama seems to have his thoughts on the matter. Former President Barack Obama shared these thoughts in an interview with James Coden on “The Late Late Show.” Obama was asked about the existence of UFOs and stated that he suspected that members of his government (at the time) were discreetly studying aliens and these unidentified objects but came to the conclusion that they were not. He expressed concern by saying “We can’t explain how they move, their trajectory — They did not have an easily explainable pattern. And so I think that people still take it seriously, trying to investigate and figure out what that is.
Why now the confirmation of UFOs?
This June, congress is called to report the trillion dollars covid-relief bill that former President Donald Trump set in motion last year. This report calls for a comprehensive analysis of these unidentified objects and findings from the aerial phenomena from high-level officials such as the task force set in place, the FBI, and the Office of Naval Intelligence.
Christopher Mellon, one of the finest top defense officials who served in administrations with former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, believes the reporting of UFO sightings should be de-stigmatized. In an interview with NBC, he went on to say “My hope is that this administration will provide our military people the support they deserve. On this issue, that means determining ASAP what threat if any is posed by the unidentified vehicles that are brazenly and repeatedly violating restricted U.S. airspace over hovering around our warships. Our people are naturally and rightly concerned and almost nothing has been done to address their concerns.”
I think I can speak for many when I say that 2021 has been the best, worst, and most bizarre year thus far. With the confirmation of UFOs and potential alien activity, conspiracy theorists can sleep better at night knowing their predictions were far from imaginary. I’m curious as to how the information will be released to the public and if we can expect to see more sightings. There are so many questions left unanswered, Why did this go unconfirmed for so long? Is there more to the story than what we already know? Could the world potentially be in danger? Only time will tell.