The life of Saudi Arabian Women is hard to digest. A Saudi man recently divorced his wife for walking ahead of him despite repeated...
A Love Story
3 min read
A love story, at least a convincing one. “Your favorite movie is on TV.” She sent him a text out of the blue. “If...
Career Vs Marriage
6 min read
Fuck the modern “feminist” theories and notion perpetuated by media like modern career woman is mostly an emasculating bitch with skewering stilettos or an...
Annoying Relative
3 min read
Fear is like that annoying relative. Wise folks out there chat about how fear is just a state of mind. And, Mr. Napoleon Hill...
Do Men Buy Sanitary Pads?
4 min read
Do men buy sanitary pads or tampons for women in need? <If you are a man, answer below.> Generally, men slut-shame, mansplain, and still...
Is It Okay to Judge Others?
4 min read
It’s okay to judge others? Judgments are a tricky way to maneuver life. We hear people sharing gen about how it’s sacrilegious to judge...
What is the ideal community?
4 min read
Do you ever find someone ugly? Do you label and judge people for their color, body, and a little meat? Yes, we all do...
3 min read
I had premeditated to make this blog post about singlehood and taboos associated with it but I had to change my mind when we...
The Handshake
3 min read
I needed a break after writing three liberating, mentally unsettling posts, and diving into the cornucopia of sadness. So, I went out to seem...
The Stigma
4 min read
We can talk about physical ailments comfortably but decline to address issues cropped up in our head that has swept through the world with...