We all faced Bullying somehow in our life! Imagine that someone can decide to end their life just because of Bullying? It’s definitely one...
An Open Letter to the Bullies
3 min read
Dear Bullies I recently listened to the Fleurish podcast with Whitney Simmons on mental health (you can listen to it here). It is an...
In my experience, being born with such a quirky mind and well-being sometimes made me incredibly lonely since no one understood me. Looking back...
Childhood is often idealized. Carefree is the synonym almost everybody uses when they are trying to describe this period of life. Coming from a...
I Have The Right To Be Violent! Do You?
3 min read
“You never go out,” my mom says. It seems like she doesn’t get it. “They call me names, mom–fag, faggot, homo.” “So, why do...
Is It Okay to Judge Others?
4 min read
It’s okay to judge others? Judgments are a tricky way to maneuver life. We hear people sharing gen about how it’s sacrilegious to judge...