January 20, 2025

12 thoughts on “Racism;It Stops With Me

  1. Thanks for this. I begin one of my classes with a video called “Race: The Power of an Illusion.” It shows how race is a social construct and how it was used in America to oppress so-called black people. Your advice is good and I hope it helps.

    1. I myself feel quite strongly about the issue. It enlivens me to know that you begin one of your classes with such a revealing and heartwarming video. I am going to try and watch it too and grasp as much i can. Little things like enlightening videos can help stimulate our brain at times and can lead to change of hearts. Thank you. I wish you the best. 🙂

  2. Yes! It has to stop, or lets not allow it to pass our hold. Killed it!
    Those who are hungry will never thing or talk of Racism, I have not seen any blood banks which separate blood based on whatever division created by we human!

    1. Because those don’t have any religious or racist labels. It has become a global phenomenon now. I read about Indians getting killed based on their race and color in foreign land. We as people suffer from The Optimism Bias; “It won’t happen to me” but it does and will. If one thing persistently takes place at one corner of the world, it is bound to happen at many other places too. Earth is geoid shaped. When we ourselves stop participating in such things, it gradually stops. Thank you Josh.

  3. I’ve often wondered why we are so different in shape,colour.I believe that our geography shapes us sublimely. It’s been recorded & observed with animals in the wild.
    We as a species all came from the same location,the Great Rift Valley in Africa. I make the assumption that we all were of the same skin colour at this time.Migration from the valley over the course of time seems like a natural course they would of taken.As humans moved out from this original location,many settled into certain areas.These geographic areas slowly began to alter the genes of our common ancestors. To such an extent that individual cultures became unique onto themselves.
    Over many thousands of years these human settlements stayed isolated from each other & so evolved uniquely.
    With the advent of travel (sailing at first) many of these isolated cultures were contacted by people who looked very different.
    With even more travel happening these days (boat & planes) people are mixing their genes through marriage & as a result altering themselves.
    Eventually over thousands of years of inter marrying I suspect our skin colour will become more uniform. So eventually, we’ll all look the same in the distant future.
    It’s interesting to view this process from a distance………we all started out from the same place looking the same,moved away from each other to became diverse & unique,and now are coming together to become the same once again.
    Nature does move in mysterious ways.
    So racism “may” be based in our genes.If you look different,you are not the same & so to be regarded as dangerous.
    Take for instance a Crow born white.It will be pecked to death because the other Crows see the difference & want to stop this genetic trait.These genetic flaws have repeated with many animals over thousands of years with the same result of either death or expulsion.Many animals are simply chased away to fend for themselves. The herd mentality wants everyone to be the same with anything being different to be regarded as dangerous!
    So I submit to you that our ancestral genes “may” be the breeding ground for racism?…….but in a hundred thousand years,this all may be simply academic because we’ll look very similar.
    Just a thought on the matter.

    1. And that’s exactly how our nature has progressed and shaped us into the way we are. That is a perfect thought. Thank you? Thank you for reading my crazy write-ups attentively and leaving feedback each time. I agree to all the points you have addressed here. I certainly hope valiantly, this may all simply become an academic research topic in future. Thank you, Tofino.

  4. Lovey, I don’t want to Spam your blog, but this is important…
    My name is C. Erskine Brown, and I would like to share the most horrifying story you will ever read about modern day racism.
    Consistently garnering five stars, A Cry Among Men – The Novel, is being touted as one of the “Best reads of 2016,”… “brilliantly written fiction adroitly framed around the events of today.” 
    Since its debut, A Cry Among Men has captivated and deeply impacted readers. As a passionate, deep thinker on the subject of racism, I strongly encourage you to read it. Our country must raise the level of discourse on a problem that so many are wide-eyed and vocal about while others have chosen to turn a blind eye.
    Thank you,

    1. I share your thoughts. Thank you for stopping by and introducing me to this masterpiece. It sounds captivating and gruesome. I intend to absorb more about the subject only to raise awareness about the same. Thank you, Mr. Brown

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