What is an affirmation?
Okay, I understand if you believe saying affirmations out loud is a bit silly, or even unrealistic. However, what if you viewed affirmations in this way: many of us do repetitive exercises to improve our physical health, and affirmations are like exercises for our mind and outlook. These positive mental repetitions can reprogram our thinking patterns so that, over time, we begin to think – and act – differently.
Firstly, I’d like to start by saying affirmations have helped me a lot on the days I’m feeling down about something. They’re ultimately positive statements that challenge the oh-so-often act of self-sabotage. Negative thoughts are difficult to push back, therefore, by repeating these affirmations often, you’ll eventually begin to believe in them. For some, the mindset of romanticizing life or taking care of oneself is something near wishful thinking, or out of reach expectations. My favourite affirmations/manifestations help me center myself, which undoubtedly helps me to focus less on the little things that won’t and shouldn’t matter. To live in the moment with no regrets and to ignore the anxieties of what could happen tomorrow, next week, or even years from now. There’s some sort of child-like wonder in not knowing what happens or what to expect in the future. Therefore, I wanted to adopt new, healthy habits that could help me enjoy that notion of “living in the present”. By focusing on my own goals and taking the small steps in achieving them, it allows for me to embrace change and adapt to new environments in which I can learn and grow into myself.
They say you are the product of your own environment. Many people, especially my friends, swear on the power of manifesting and reciting affirmations. It has helped improve self-confidence, positive self-awareness, and has even fixed relationships (friendships or romance) It is because of these short, but gripping statements that it starts to routinely flood our brains with positivity. It’s another method to say “fake it till you make it”.
Here are my favorite affirmations! (disclaimer, I did not make these up myself whatsoever, I found all of these online):
I am calm and centered.
I typically say this to myself when I feel like I’m trapped. When I FEEL myself breathing faster, taking deeper breaths, or begin to space out— I can tell when something is wrong. When I say “I am calm and centered”, it is a gentle reminder to myself that everything will be okay. Pain is fleeting and I won’t have to go through it forever.
I am mine before I am ever anyone else’s.
This is by far my favorite one. I say this to myself very often when I find that I’m relying on people more than I need to be. I understand the importance of having friends, knowing you can fall back on your family, and loving your significant other. But I cannot stress enough the importance of being happy in your own solitude. I am my own person and I do not need anybody else to validate me, nor do I give anyone the power to do so.
I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness.
This will be the last affirmation that I’ll have an explanation on. This one is quite straightforward, but it’s a well-known belief that the way you start your day is how you’re going to feel for the rest of it. I know it’s hard to get up in the morning sometimes, but starting the day positively increases your chances of remaining happy as the day progresses.
Affirmations have been proven to drastically alter the course of somebody’s life. My personal process is spending just a few moments in my bathroom mirror, and reciting those affirmations back to myself with confidence. You may discover that you get better sleep thanks to the positive drift of your thoughts that arises with repeating your affirmations aloud. By saying it a few times, the meaning of the statement you’re saying will eventually stick better in your mind. For faster results, try to do this everyday either when you wake up, or right before bed. I find it to be more effective that way. If this method isn’t for you, that’s okay. But give it a try from time to time! A little more positivity in life has never hurt anyone before.