January 20, 2025

22 thoughts on “Creepy Facebook Experience

  1. Some man mistake manliness for foolishness. But true manliness becomes visible in the adoration and protection of the feminine. I am a man with a very strong sexual energy (and I know that this can be difficult), but I can control it. A man who can’t control his sexuality is only a boy.

    1. Hence Vulgarity is the exit sign for the human spirit. We don’t owe anything but the same amount of respect they show us. Being male is a matter of birth, Being a man is a matter of age, Being a gentleman is a matter of choice. People make mistakes but being disrespectful is unforgivable in my opinion.

      1. 😘 is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” (1 Corr 13:4-7) 

        1. Right. Love is fine and all of these things. But good manners and ability to respect others must be embedded in one’s personality no matter if one is in love or not.

          1. Nowhere. Technology is without love. We must bring it to it, through our own consciousness. The most people are only users and not deliberate creators. We must bring light and love and grace and goodness to it, we must bring soul to the technology.
            Blessings to you,

          2. Well said. Social media is not about the exploitation of technology but service to community. Technology is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived, both positively and negatively. Every time we post a photo, or update our status, we are contributing to our own digital footprint and personal brand. Social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform to anyone willing to engage. But, there’s a danger in the arena of technology; internet and social media. The notion that information is enough, that more and more information is enough, that you don’t have to think, you just have to get more information – gets very dangerous. What is interesting is the power and the impact of social media… So we must try to use social media in a good way.

  2. I admire you. I admire how you didn’t attack him back for his bad English, spellings, looks and personality like he did when you hurt his little ego. He proved how he has been brought up with sad values. I really appreciate how graceful and confident you are in conversation and this write up. It says a lot about your personality. You are a mature woman. Never be scared of anyone. You do you. Blessings.

    1. I don’t believe in demeaning people anyway. I wouldn’t do that to people even if my ginormous ego gets hurt.
      I just don’t put up with any kind of Bullshit. That’s where I draw my line. Thank you very much for such kind words. I am sure you are an amazingly brave person. Wish you the best. Thank you for making my day. Blessings at your way too. 🙂

  3. I admire you. I admire you for not attacking him back for his English, spellings, looks and personality like he did when his little ego got hurt. You are extremely graceful and confident in conversation and write up. You are a mature and well brought up woman. I like how you don’t stoop to their levels. Well done. I wouldn’t be this wise and composed if I were in the same situation. Never be scared of anyone. You do you. Blessings.

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