Not many people choose to consider becoming eco-conscious, as it means changing the way they do things. Once you get into the habit of doing things a certain way, it can be hard considering a change to your routine. Many people ignore sustainable ways of living simply because they think living sustainably is hard. Of course, changing everything in your life at once would become overwhelming. If you are interested in helping the earth, but you don’t know where to start, here are a few easy things you can consider incorporating into your daily life.
Zero-Waste Grocery Shopping
Going to the grocery store may seem like buying plastic is unavoidable. So many things are prepackaged in plastic, and the plastic shopping bags provided at the checkout seem like a fast and easy option. However, it’s not hard to avoid plastic when possible. Try buying from loose-bulk produce that isn’t prepackaged. And rather than using the little plastic bags provided to hold the produce, consider investing in reusable mesh produce bags. They come in all different sizes, and they last a long time. When buying condiments, look for products stored in glass rather than plastic packaging. Glass jars can be reused for many other things, and the opportunities are endless! And you can also bring your own reusable shopping bags, which last a long time and are often more spacious than plastic ones. If you have a farmers market near you, don’t be afraid to check it out! The options are usually more sustainable, and you might be surprised with the variety and difference in quality compared to products from grocery stores.
Washing Clothes
Laundry detergent and all applicable supplies are often packaged in plastic, especially laundry pods. There are more sustainable and better alternatives to chemicals and plastic. First, there are laundry sheets. Laundry sheets dissolve into the soap in the washing machine, and they are a great alternative to laundry pods. There are also soap nuts, which you may not have heard of. Soap nuts are these small nuts that produce a soap-like substance called saponin when mixed with water. Soap nuts work great for fabrics on the more gentle side. However, if you have heavily stained clothes, you can combine soap nuts with a laundry sheet or a laundry soap bar. This brings us to the next alternative, the laundry soap bar. When using a laundry soap bar, you simply cut a few pieces off the bar and throw them into the washing machine. These are some easy alternatives that get the job done just as well.
Storing Food
When it comes to storing food, whether it be your lunch or a snack you mean to finish later, plastic ziploc bags seem to be the first choice. However, there are so many other alternatives. The simplest alternative is glass containers. Even plastic containers aren’t as bad, as they last a long time. Consider investing in containers of all different sizes so that there are more options. Beeswax wraps are also a great alternative. They come in different sizes, and they make it easy to store food for a long time. Granted, they can’t be wrapped around something like leftover spaghetti, but that’s where containers come in. Simply use the beeswax wraps to hold your snacks, or keep that half of a lemon-fresh. Beeswax wraps are reusable and last a long time, and they do an even better job of storing food than ziploc bags.
Look For Alternatives
These are only a few sustainable swaps that can be made in everyday life. If you’re interested in making more, research alternatives for things you use daily. From toothbrushes to dish sponges, there are so many great sustainable options. Living sustainably is something we all can benefit from, including our planet. Let’s strive to be more eco-friendly together.