Recently during an online meet and greet, I was asked to share the top two things on my bucket list. As everyone took turns to share their bucket list, I realized that I did not have a bucket list. I have never taken the time to sit down and think about the goals I wish to achieve in life. I decided, on that day, I would write down all my goals and wishes that I have kept in my mind. I sat down that evening listing out all the things that I wished for in my future. Some wishes were small like trying sushi and there were bigger goals like buying a house. I don’t know when in the future my goals and wishes will be met but writing out my bucket list has allowed me to be honest with myself and gave me motivation in pursuing my dreams. I urge you, if you have not already, to take the time to write out your bucket list. I have listed down below, 4 reasons as to why you should consider creating your own list.
Allows you to reconnect with your core values
From a young age, certain values and ideals are instilled in our minds. But as we go through life, meet different people, and make our own decisions, our values may change, and our priorities may shift. That is not always a negative change in life but writing down your goals can help you evaluate whether those choices have been beneficial to you in the long run. In the heat of the moment, we forget to think before acting, but having your bucket list in hand is a great way to ensure that we remain in touch with our values.
Helps you keep track of your goals in life
Sometimes we need a reminder telling us to look past the discomfort or distractions when things get hard in life. We can lose sight of our purpose and motive, finding ourselves in a weird place. Sometimes our environment around us is not conducive to achieving our goals but having a visual reminder of what our purpose is can make it so much easier to remain focused. For example, the paraphernalia and hustle and bustle of moving to the city can make young students lose sight of why they are there. Maintaining a bucket list can strengthen one’s motivation and drive in pursuing our goals, regardless of how distracting the surroundings may be.
Remembering life by the moments
Sitting on the sidelines is what some people prefer, but deep down we all want to experience certain things in life. Whether it be living alone or travelling to a certain country, some life experiences are what defines our growth and character. Writing down the experiences you wish to have can bring your journey into perspective. It’s always nice to have something to look forward to without being sucked up in the problems of our daily lives. At the end of the day, it’s these moments that we look back to and smile. Take the initiative to create such moments for yourself by writing down places you want to visit, the food you want to try because life won’t wait for you!
Just have a little excitement!
This one is for all those people who have some crazy ideas on their bucket list. Why not? You should go for it! Too often we take life so seriously that we forget that growing up doesn’t mean letting go of all the fun! A bucket list is a great way to keep the excitement in life as it’s important to laugh and play as much as it’s important to work hard. So, if you made it this far, take this as your call to ENJOY YOUR HAPPY MOMENTS! Let’s be optimistic about the future as we all journey through our lives!