We all need freedom! Freedom to wear what we want to wear, decide which food to eat, decide which role we want, and participate in our country’s decisions!
Unfortunately, the world is too tough. Many people don’t have the right to choose or vote, or even say their opinions.
Democracy is associated with higher human capital accumulation, lower inflation, lower political instability, and higher economic freedom. Democracy is closely tied with economic sources of growth, like education levels and lifespan through the improvement of educational institutions as well as healthcare.
Democracies understand that one of their prime functions is to pro- that such basic human rights as freedom of speech and religion; the right to equal protection under the law; and the opportunity to organize and participate fully in the political, economic, and cultural life of society.
By the end of the 1960s, the idea of the Third World came to represent countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America that were considered underdeveloped by the West based on a variety of characteristics (low economic development, low life expectancy, high rates of poverty and disease, etc.).
Since they were born, we didn’t choose what to believe and what to have in general; we just follow what our partners follow; that’s why a lot of people couldn’t really believe in religion, traditions, and rules. That’s one of the reasons why the world has Terrorist and crime operations. The main weapon that those people are persuading with is to give them fake freedom.
According to the UN, “gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is not just a goal in itself, but a key to sustainable development, economic growth, and peace and security”. Research has shown this to be the case – society gets better for everyone when women’s rights are upheld and taken seriously.
How often do you put forth your opinion without a second thought, without the fear of being judged or ridiculed? Not usually, right?
The third countries have a high rate of racism. Women, there have no right to wear what they like, friends have no right to stay together, Complete separation between boys and girls, which will definitely create big problems in this society such as Harassment, rape, child marriage, high divorce rates and polygamy and much more that will reflect on the whole world shortly…
A lot of people just grow up to be judgmental, with the first unusual thing for them; you will find a big Defense and offence instead of free and informative discussion.
Why do we need to have our own opinion?
Because that’s how most of us are brought up. We really don’t have an opinion on many things; we forget to stand out from the crowd, we follow the pre-set rules and notions, and everything that steers us away from breaking stereotypes.
Leave alone stereotypes, and we often tend to put down our opinions that ring in the same rhythm as others. Because standing out of the crowd is too overwhelming for some of us.
What Does It Mean To Be Opinionated?
Being opinionated helps you build authority and share your perspective with others. Instead of just nodding your head to others’ opinions, voicing and expressing your opinion can define your own identity.
Having an opinion shows that you have the passion and skill to keep your thoughts on the table.
Having your opinion, your choice is very important for your character, your life, career and mental health. We all aim for freedom without judgement.
Be yourself!