A quick step away will make the people afraid of you. “Two steps from me, don’t even think about it! Talk to me from behind your mask.” We experienced a total change in 2020. It appears we can’t really return to our usual self and fulfill our whimsical desires.
Even though Corona will end eventually as a pandemic and a global epidemic, it has left in the souls of the world something that cannot be taken away. The Coronavirus has reorganized the world from the inside out. Because we spent so much time with ourselves, we are much closer to ourselves. A fear that pervades everyone from touching a door, a seat, or a water faucet to even a bag of food, and was not limited to people getting close to each other. Maybe even a book, in case the virus is sleeping and congratulating itself.
People have begun to fear for their savings exponentially due to what can happen today before tomorrow and impose a state of stagnation, stone, and conflict over necessities people thought would never drain like toilet paper, threatening a global and global war on empty store shelves.
There was a return to individualism and selfishness, whether intentionally or accidentally, Corona from the start, with a force no one wanted to match, isolation and distance increased and gathering became a crime, and every person in this isolation took time to rethink and recalculate.
It flourished with each detail and theory spreading from small to large, so that everyone believed in it to some degree or another, and the evidence circulated by the irresponsible media through the communication sites scrutinized them. Elites started embracing myths and folk medicines, reasoning that they would not harm, if they didn’t provide any benefit.
Whether the life was before or after the Corona is still unknown, but almost all psychological diseases are linked to fear, dread, and sometimes indifference.
Although epidemics may end organically, biologically, and medically with the passing of time, what about the psychological effects that they may leave us with, including post-crisis anxiety and crisis shock?
The scientific community and the world have come to the conclusion that all we need to do is to reconsider the emergency behavior of societies and individuals in the Corona generation, and that confronting it psychologically could be the most effective way to end its era, its effects, and its existence.